

レイチェル: Monica, can Phoebe borrow your green dress? (モニカ、フィービーがあなたの緑のドレスを借りてもいいかしら?)
モニカ: I called him. (彼に電話したわ。)
みんな: No! (なんてことを!)
モニカ: Yes. Well, I got his machine and I left a message. But it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, because, you know, it was, like, a casual, breezy message. It was breezy. Oh, God, what if it wasn't breezy? (えぇ、したわ。留守電だったから、メッセージを残したの。でも大丈夫、大丈夫、大丈夫。だって、ほら、何ていうか、さりげなくて、軽いメッセージだったわ。軽かったのよ。あぁ、でも、もし軽くなかったら?)
フィービー: Well, how could it not be breezy? No. 'Cause, you're, you're in such a breezy place. (ねぇ、軽くないなんてことはないわよ。絶対に。だって、あなたはそんなに軽い[のんきな、深刻でない]境遇にいるんだもの。)
モニカ: Here, I got it. I'll play my message for you guys, and you can tell me if it's breezy enough. (わかったわ。みんなにメッセージを聞かせてあげる。そうすれば、そのメッセージが十分軽いものであるかどうかについて、あなたたちの意見を聞くことができるでしょ。)
ジョーイ: Monica, how are you gonna do that? (モニカ、どうやってそれを聞かせるつもりなんだ?)
モニカ: I know the code to his answering machine. (私、彼の留守電のコード番号を知ってるの。)
ロス: Okay, Mon, I really don't think this is the... Okay, you're dialing, you are dialing. (いいか、モニカ。僕はこんなことは絶対に(しちゃいけないことだと思うよ)…あぁ、ダイヤルしてるんだね、もうダイヤルしてるんだね。)

casual は日本語にもなっていますが、「(明確な意図のない)思いつきの、何気ない、さりげない」という意味。
breeze は「微風、そよ風」なので、breezy は「微風の、そよ風の吹く」。
自分で breezy だと言っておきながら、心配になってきたモニカ。
how could it not be breezy? を直訳すると、「軽くないということがどのようにしたら可能か?」なので、「軽くないわけないじゃない。軽いに決まってるわ。」みたいな感じですね。
in such a breezy place の place は「立場、環境、境遇」のような意味でしょう。

"you can tell me if it's breezy enough" について。
もし目的語の me がなくて you can tell if... であったならば、if 以下かどうか「わかる、見分ける」、つまり、十分に breezy であるか、そうでないかをあなたたちが判断できる、ということになります。
この場合は、目的語の me が入っているので、十分に breezy であるかどうかという「意見」を「私に言う」ことができる、という感じでしょうかね?


I really don't think は I don't think を really で強調していて、「僕は…だと、本当に思わない、絶対に思わない」と後に続く考えを「思いっきり否定する」ニュアンスです。
really don't と don't really との違いについては、フレンズ2-21その21 で触れています。

(Rach からのお願い)
にほんブログ村 英会話ブログ

posted by Rach at 10:55| Comment(2) | フレンズ シーズン3 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
I hope you can forgive me for not addressing you in Japanese. I am trying to learn it, but I am still very much a beginner; I would only embarrass myself here, I think.

But, the reason for my comment: when Phoebe says 'you're in such a breezy place', she does mean what you thought, but also… How do I put this?

Phoebe is (at least at the beginning of Friends) very concerned with auras and healing and herbal remedies—and all those sorts of things—and these ideas all became very popular in America during the 60s and 70s, along with mysticism and the Hippie movement. This gave rise to a sort of lingering stereotype, which Phoebe actually fits into a lot, during the first 3-4 seasons of Friends!

But basically, when Phoebe says 'a breezy place', she is using the word 'place' to refer to a place in an internal, spiritual landscape: a slang term—and metaphor—very typical of that stereotype.

It doesn't often happen in the show, but the expression does crop up once or twice. For example, when Chandler, in this episode, says "Okay, Monica? I think you've gone over to The Bad Place," he's using 'place' in the same way, (although only jokingly.)

And in 2-5: The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant, when Phoebe decides not to go to the Hootie and the Blowfish concert, she says "I'm just gonna pass on the concert, 'cause I'm just not in a very Hootie place right now." It's funny because she's saying, literally, that her internal spiritual state is not very Hootie, which is a bizarre way to define a spiritual location, and weirdly grammatically incorrect, which makes it even funnier to me.

One other occasion I can remember is in 5-1: The One After Ross Says Rachel, when Chandler says "Oh. Y'know, that night meant a lot to me too—and it wasn't because I was in a bad place or anything—It just meant a lot to me 'cause… you're really hot. Is that okay?" he's using it in the same way although, again, he's using it sort of jokingly. (Although maybe not intentionally, because eventually being in 'a bad place' sort of joined common slang.)

Anyway I hope these bits of information are helpful to you!—and I hope I'm not being condescending, by bringing unsolicited information. And, I hope I can speak your language, some day, as well as you can speak mine.

Bye for now!
Posted by John Fraser at 2015年02月06日 02:57
John Fraserさんへ
Thank you so much for reading my blog pieces written in Japanese and for giving me & my readers helpful information in English.

In the piece above, I translated the word 'place' as 境遇, like 'situation', but now I totally understand Phoebe meant 'an internal spiritual state'.

Like you said, she tends to say such spiritual things a lot. So maybe I should've translated the line as あなたの心は(常に)のんびりした世界にいるのだから, right?

Phoebe said those groundless spiritual things just in order to calm down Monica, which is funny and Phoebe-ish, 'cause we all know Phoebe is into mysticism.

And I also thank you for giving me some examples about the word 'place' used in the same way in FRIENDS, which helped me understand the nuance of the word 'place', indeed. :)
Posted by Rach at 2015年02月06日 13:53
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